I'm at awe of how fast this year has gone. I can't believe that 9 months ago I was very pregnant and anxiously waiting to me our second son and now that second son is trying to figure out how to walk. He cruises all over pushing his walker and boxes but hasn't gotten the courage to take off on his own yet. He is still pretty unstable though and is already accident prone as is. He doesn't go a week without a goose egg on his head from tipping over and hitting it on something. But he is super cute and loves to tease, hug, and play.
Shawn is growing as well. He has figured out how to say "no" and likes to tell us when he isn't happy about something. I know he seems a little later than most but he is just starting to get serious attitude problems. He was always fairly happy and listened very well before at most he would pout for about a minute and then he would be fine. Now it's the screaming, crying, mouthy little stink. But he usually makes up for it with his cuteness in the end. He always says sorry when he hurts you, he is always giving hugs and kisses to everyone, and he usually says thank you when you give him a treat. He kisses your owes better and usually plays really well with William. Their favorite game is, see who can scream the loudest. (Guess they got that from mom and aunt Angie). It's cute for the first couple minutes but that's about all I can handle. I love how well the interact with each other and William idolizes his older brother already.
Shem is doing well at work. Things are looking up for him and in the very near future there will be a huge change in position and finances for us. I'm thinking that may be when we will try getting pregnant again. I'm so proud of him and all he has accomplished in his life. He is such an amazing man. I couldn't have asked for a better husband or better father for my boys. I love watching him interact with our boys. He loves playing with him and love the attention they get. Bed time is when a lot of playing happens though. But he ends the play with Shawn by reading out of the scriptures or reading talks to him while I go feed William and get him settled down for bed. Once William is older he will be joining in on the reading, bedtime routine as well. It's Shem's and the boys father son time everyday.