35 weeks
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
34 1/2 week midwife appointment
I had my midwife appointment today. Everything is looking good. My urine is still good but I lost about a pound so i'm down to 118.6 now. We had a tummy bug go through our house so I think I did pretty good only loosing maybe a pound. :) My BP was 114/77 so that is still looking good as well. L's heart rate was in the 150's and when he was pushing out I was measuring 33 weeks and when he was more off to the side I measured 30 weeks. So yeah not the most accurate way off measuring if you ask me. lol. He was good a wiggly and he is for sure head down. Exact position is ROA. Told my midwife he likes to keep his hands by his head and she told me I need to make sure to keep telling him he needs to move his hands before he comes. Got all the last paper work stuff to finish feeling out and the last list of what I need to prepare for the birth. We got the birth pool and kit as well so we are basically all set as far as supply's from the midwife goes. Our next appointment is January 5th and it will be our home visit. A few days after that appointment I will be home birth cleared!!!! I can't believe it's getting so close!
Oh I also ended up having an hour and a half of contractions last night that were between 5 and 6 minutes that kept me awake and I needed to change my breathing through. Part was due to my body practicing a little and the other part was I was obviously dehydrated. After drinking 48 ounces of water in 20 minutes it still took me nearly 3 hours to actually have to pee. :-\
Oh I also ended up having an hour and a half of contractions last night that were between 5 and 6 minutes that kept me awake and I needed to change my breathing through. Part was due to my body practicing a little and the other part was I was obviously dehydrated. After drinking 48 ounces of water in 20 minutes it still took me nearly 3 hours to actually have to pee. :-\
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Ultra Sound update
Back from my ultra sound. The tech was very happy about where the placenta was at and she checked everything on the baby again to make sure everything was still looking good. The placenta is good and healthy as well as Lukus. He is measuring about a week behind but everything is looking good and it's normal for me anyway. I just have small baby's.
His head is down in my left hip and his bum is up in my right side. So he is basically head down just off centered a little. She tried to get a good look at his face but he kept his hands up by his face the whole time. Looked like he is still trying to keep his legs straight too. lol.
Here is the undeniable boy proof.
Here is his face. He wouldn't give us a good shot and kept his hand in the way. That's his hand over his mouth.
Here is a picture of his spine, heart, head/brain.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
For Jenie!
I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, With tiny lights like Heaven's stars reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular please wipe away a tear, For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, But the sounds of music can't compare to the Christmas choir up here. I have no ...words to tell you the joy their voices bring, For it's beyond description to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me I see the pain inside your heart, But I am not so far away we really aren't apart. So be happy for me loved ones, you know I hold you dear, And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I've sent you each a special gift from my heavenly home above, I've sent you each a memory of my undying love. After all love is a gift more precious than pure gold, It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other as my Father said to do, For I can't count the blessings or love he has for each of you. So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear, For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year
Friday, December 9, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The past month
I'm not sure you really want to know what my past month has been like. Well to start off, the Wednesday after the baby shower my sister passed away unexpectedly. We are still waiting on the autopsy report to see what the cause was. She left 3 boys behind that my parents are taking care of. She had just barely sent in her divorce papers to get divorced from her abusive ex. Then the following Sunday, so 4 days later, my grandma passed away. Her's was expected as she was really sick and we knew it was just a matter of time. So we had 2 funerals in 1 week. Then I had a midwife appointment last Friday. Everything is looking good, but we have to have another ultra sound to check were placenta is laying. It needs to be 3cm away from my cervix and at my 19 weeks ultra sound it was only 1.6cm away. Then the next news, though my midwife is sure everything is fine, is that i'm measuring 4 weeks behind. I was 31 weeks but measuring 27 weeks. I have measured small with my other two but never this small and never this soon. I'm just hoping and praying that everything turns out fine at the ultra sound and keep telling the Lord that he owes me that after the month I've had.
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