I decided that I would make my own baby food rather than buy the jars when I looked at cost of produce vs jars. I thought I would save a little money but I didn't really realize how much.
This is a approximate run down of cost. Making 1 weeks worth of food i've spent about $2.83. Right now the gerber baby food is about $.60, which is the closest to real tasting that i've found, and I would be spending about $6.00 a week buying the jars. Getting the cheap stuff isn't worth the money as baby wont eat it because it's nasty!
SO i am saving $3.17 a week by making my own food. :)
Banana and Pear ready to freeze
Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Bananas, Apples, and Zucchini Squash all frozen.
Apples waiting to become puree.
Bananas and a pear also waiting
I'm thinking of turning a Spaghetti Squash into food as well. :) These are out of our garden.
William eating his breakfast this morning.
Bananas, apple cinnamon, and pears with some mixed cereal.
Looks so good!! I'm glad you're doing that, its healthier for baby, saves money AND satisfying!!